Slotted Angle Bars Camera RighSlotted Angle Bars Camera Righ
Transcribed Image Text: In the position shown, the slotted plate B is rotating about pin A with the angular velocity w = 3 rad/s CCW and the angular acceleration a = 6 rad/s CW. The slider P moves along the slot at the constant speed of 0.7 m/s relative to the plate, in the direction indicated. Compute the velocity and acceleration vectors of P at this instant. 0.7 m/s ) 30° A 0.3 m. Jul 20, 2019. #1. hello everybody.I have a problem with deep hollowing. the wood is green ash its 28% moisture content its 27" tall and 16" dia a cutter started to skip at 18".i have tried all the carbide cutters 1/8'.3/8" square ,cupped and tear drop. I haven't tried the hogger cutter or pro forme cutter yet.